24th September 2010 will be a memorable day for India. Media is in buzz about the famous verdict and its aftermath. Everyone is being requested to practise restraint through media, sms, and internet. We still don’t know if it would bring good memories or bad memories. It is the date when High Court will give its verdict on Babri Masjid/ Ram Janambhoomi case which is lingering around in this country since independence.
ISSUE-Hindus believe that a temple was constructed on this site in 10th A.D., which was destroyed by Mughal emperor Babar in 1528 and instead a Masjid was constructed here. Muslims refuse the claim of presence of a temple here. Many Hindu groups came together in 1980s in order to bring the issue to the centre stage and worked towards constructing of a temple here... It was finally On 6thDecember 1992, when RSS,VHP,BJP ‘car sewaks’ demolished the Babri Masjid leading to communal riots and breakdown of law and order situation in Ayodhya.
Riots has been a regular phenomena in India since Independence. Riots at the time of partition(1947), Anti Sikh riots(1984) , Anti Muslim riots(2002) are the black spots in our history. RIOTS THRIVE ON MOBS. A mob which contains highly infuriated and politically charged people who can go to any extent in killing people and damaging property. What I have understood from these riots is that it creates a generation of Muslims hating Hindus forever or a generation of Sikhs hating Hindus forever and vice versa. The wounds created by such bloodshed are also sometimes passed on to the next generation.
Speaking historically, India has seen birth of many religions (from Hinduism to Buddhism to Jainism to Sikhism). It is paradoxical to see that a country with SUFI and BHAKTI movements at its background can also get infuriated by such an issue. India is a nation where we have practiced communal harmony and tolerance throughout the history. We need to REVISIT OUR PAST and learn essential lessons on communal harmony and brotherhood from it. Maybe this couplet of Bhakti Saint , Kabir , which has also been included in “Guru Granth Sahib” can help us in revisiting our glorious past -
“Aval allah noor upae-aa, Kudrat key sabh bandey, Ek noor tey sabh jag upjia-aa, Kaun bhaley ko mandey...”
“Aval allah noor upae-aa, Kudrat key sabh bandey, Ek noor tey sabh jag upjia-aa, Kaun bhaley ko mandey...”
(First Allah created the Light. Then by His Creative Power He made all mortal beings. From that One Light, the entire universe came into being. So, who is good and who's bad, indeed???)
BULLEH SHAH’s words here emphasise futility of rituals and traditions which can’t lead to God, for He can only be found by searching within ourselves -
"Parh parh ilm hazaar kitaaban, Kadi apne aap nu parhya nahin
Jaa jaa wardey mandar maseeti , Kadi mann apne wich wareya nahin
Anven larda shaitaan de naal bandeya, Kadi nafs apne naal larya nahin
Aakhe peer Bulleh Shah aasmani pharna aen , Jehra man wich wasda unhoN pharya nahin”
(You have read thousands of books but you have never tried to read your own self.
Does it really matter which monument stood there centuries ago??? Can’t we simply construct a MONUMENT ON COMMUNAL HARMONY on this disputed land, thereby, CELEBRATING SECULAR ETHOS OF OUR NATION????
BULLEH SHAH’s words here emphasise futility of rituals and traditions which can’t lead to God, for He can only be found by searching within ourselves -
"Parh parh ilm hazaar kitaaban, Kadi apne aap nu parhya nahin
Jaa jaa wardey mandar maseeti , Kadi mann apne wich wareya nahin
Anven larda shaitaan de naal bandeya, Kadi nafs apne naal larya nahin
Aakhe peer Bulleh Shah aasmani pharna aen , Jehra man wich wasda unhoN pharya nahin”
(You have read thousands of books but you have never tried to read your own self.
You rush into Mandir and Masajid but you have never tried to enter your own heart.
Futile are all your battles with Satan for you have never tried to fight your own desires.
You endeavor to attain worldly heights but fail to catch hold of the one who resides in your own heart..)
You endeavor to attain worldly heights but fail to catch hold of the one who resides in your own heart..)
Does it really matter which monument stood there centuries ago??? Can’t we simply construct a MONUMENT ON COMMUNAL HARMONY on this disputed land, thereby, CELEBRATING SECULAR ETHOS OF OUR NATION????
It would be a SHAME if this time also people decide to give in to the divisive policies practised by religious extremists groups. A secular and diverse country can’t afford hatred and mistrust among its citizens. The insecurity felt by minorities after such adverse circumstances (riots) give rise to social instability. There are bigger issues like poverty,inflation,development today. Maybe it is the time when divisive communal issues can take a backseat...
Let us give PEACE a chance on 24th September 2010 and set a precedent for future generations....
read that, nice one.... In fact I too was thinking to write on same topic today, lemme see whether I get some time to do so today :)
ReplyDeleteBTW, why don't you change ur blog's address!!! At least do remove that unnecessary "blogspot" and you may also try some more theme/templates from here http://btemplates.com The present one too is fine but you may find better... and you may join indiblogger.in which is Indian blogger's ONLINE group where bloggers interact and numerous other things happen and ultimately it leads to honing of one's writing skill and thought process :) :)
so very well written...i wish a monument is made there to celebrate our "so-to-call" secular being in this country....Khuda BLESS!!